Biographical Names
Browse the Dictionary
- Merrill
- Merton
- Mesmer
- Messala
- Messalina
- Messerschmitt
- Messiaen
- Messier
- Messys
- Meštrović
- Metaxas
- Metchnikoff
- Metsys
- Metternich
- Meyer
- Meyerbeer
- Meyerhof
- Michael
- Michel
- Michelangelesque
- Michelangelo
- Michelet
- Michelson
- Michener
- Michurin
- Mickiewicz
- Middleton
- Miesian
- Mies van der Rohe
- Mifflin
- Mihai
- Mihajlović
- Mikoyan
- Milhaud
- Mill
- Millais
- Millay
- Miller
- Millerand
- Milles
- Millet
- Millikan
- Milne
- Milošević
- Milosz
- Milstein
- Miltiades
- Milton
- Miltonian
- Miltonic
- Milyukov
- Minnewit
- Minot
- Minuit
- Mirabeau
- Miró
- Mirren
- Mirrlees
- Mises
- Mishima
- Mishustin
- Mistral
- Mitchell
- Mithradates VI Eupator
- Mitropoulos
- Mitsotakis
- Mitterrand
- Mobutu Sese Seko
- Moctezuma
- Modi
- Modiano
- Modigliani
- Modjeska
- Modrich
- Moerner
- Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
- Mohammed
- Moi
- Moissan
- Moley
- Molière
- Molina
- Molnár
- Molotov
- Moltke
- Mommsen
- Monck
- Mondale
- Mondrian
- Monet
- Moniz
- Monk
- Monmouth
- Monnet
- Monroe
- Montagna
- Montagnier
- Montagu
- Montaigne
- Montale
- Montcalm de Saint-Véran
- Montespan
- Montesquieu
- Montessori
- Monteux
- Monteverdi
- Montezuma II
- Montfort
- Montgolfier
- Montgomery
- Monti
- Montmorency
- Montrose
- Moody
- Moon Jae-in
- Moore
- Morales (Ayma)
- Moravia
- More
- Moreau
- Morgan
- Morgenthau
- Morison
- Morisot
- Moritz
- Morley
- Mornay
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morse
- Mortensen
- Mortimer
- Morton
- Mosby
- Mościcki
- Moser
- Moses
- Mosley
- Mössbauer
- Motherwell
- Motion
- Motley
- Moton
- Mott
- Mottelson
- Mo-tzu
- Moulton
- Moultrie
- Mountbatten
- Mowat
- Mo Yan
- Mozart
- Mozartean
- Mozartian
- Mubarak
- Mugabe
- Muggeridge
- Muḥammad
- Muhammad
- Muḥammad XI
- Mühlenberg
- Muir
- Müller
- Muller
- Mulliken
- Mullis
- Mulroney
- Mumford
- Munch
- Münchhausen
- Mundell
- Muñoz Marín
- Munro
- Münsterberg
- Murad
- Murasaki
- Murat
- Murdoch
- Murillo
- Murphy
- Murray
- Murrow
- Museveni
- Musharraf
- Musset
- Mussolini
- Mussorgsky
- Mutsuhito
- Myerson
- Myrdal
- Myron
- Nabokov
- Nabokovian
- Nader
- Naidu
- Naipaul
- Nakamura
- Nakasone
- Namath
- Nambu
- Namier
- Nānak
- Nansen
- Napier
- Napoléon Bonaparte
- Napoléon I
- Napoleonic
- Napoléon II
- Napoléon III
- Naruhito
- Narváez
- Nash
- Nashe
- Nasmyth
- Nasser
- Nast
- Nathan
- Nation
- Navratilova
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Nebuchadrezzar II
- Necker
- Negishi
- Neher
- Nehru
- Neilson
- Nelson
- Nemerov
- Neper
- Nepos
- Neri
- Nernst
- Nero
- Neronian
- Neronic
- Neruda
- Nerva
- Nervi
- Nestorius
- Netanyahu
- Neumann
- Neurath
- Nevelson
- Neville
- Nevins
- Newcomb
- Newcomen
- Newman
- Newton
- Ney
- Nicholas
- Nicholas of Cusa
- Nicholson
- Nicias
- Nicklaus
- Nicolet
- Nicolle
- Nicolson
- Niebuhr
- Niebuhrian
- Nielsen
- Niemcewicz
- Niemeyer
- Niemöller
- Nietzsche
- Nietzschean
- Nightingale
- Nijinska
- Nijinsky
- Nikolay Nikolayevich
- Nilsson
- Nimitz
- Nin
- Nixon
- Nixonesque
- Nixonian
- Nkrumah
- Nobel
- Nobile
- Noda
- Noel-Baker
- Noguchi
- Nordau
- Nordenskiöld
- Norman
- Norris
- North
- Northcliffe
- Northrop
- Norton
- Nostradamus
- Novoselov
- Noyes
- Noyori
- Nureyev
- Nurse
- Nüsslein-Volhard
- Nutting
- Nye
- Nyerere