Words That Start With N (page 25)
Browse the Dictionary
- not much on
- not much to look at
- not nearly
- not necessarily
- noto-
- notocentral
- notocentrous
- notocentrum
- notochord
- notochordal
- notodontid
- Notodontidae
- notodontoid
- Notogaeal
- Notogaean
- Notogaeic
- Notogeal
- Notogean
- Notogeic
- notommatid
- Notommatidae
- Notomys
- not on
- not on any account
- notonectal
- notonectid
- Notonectidae
- not one person
- not one red cent
- not on your life
- not on your nelly
- notopod
- notopodia
- notopodial
- notopodium
- notopods
- notopterid
- Notopteridae
- notopteroid
- Notorhynchus
- notorieties
- notoriety
- notorious
- notoriously
- notornis
- Notornis
- Notoryctes
- notoryctid
- Notorynchus
- Notostigma
- Notostraca
- notostracan
- Nototherium
- Nototrema
- Notoungulata
- notoungulate
- notour
- notour bankrupt
- not out
- not-out
- not particularly
- not pay any attention to
- not pay (someone) any mind
- not proved
- not proven
- not really
- Notre Dame
- not right in the head
- not rightly
- Notropis
- no trouble
- no-trump
- no-trumper
- not say/breathe a word
- not see the forest for the trees
- not see the wood for the trees
- not see why not
- not-self
- not sit with
- not sleep a wink
- not so fast
- not so long ago
- not someone's concern
- not someone's problem
- not someone's scene
- not someone's style
- not someone's type
- not so much (something) as (something else)
- not speak a word
- not speak a word of
- not swear to it
- nott
- not take any chances
- not take no for an answer
- not that
- not that I mind
- not that it matters
- not that one knows of
- not the end of the world
- not the faintest interest
- not the type
- not think anything of
- not think much of
- Nottingham lace
- not to be missed
- not to mention
- not (too) shabby
- not to put too fine a point on it
- not to say
- not touch a drop
- not touch (someone or something) with a bargepole
- not touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole
- not to worry
- Notts
- not turn a hair
- notturni
- notturno
- notum
- not under any circumstances/under no circumstances
- not under any obligation
- Notungulata
- notungulate
- not unless
- not unlike
- not until
- not up to expectations
- not up to much
- -notus
- not utter a word
- not wearing a stitch (of clothes/clothing)
- notwithstanding
- not worry oneself
- not worth a damn
- not worth a darn
- not worth the candle
- not worth the paper it's written/printed on
- no two ways about it
- nougat
- nougatine
- nought
- noughts and crosses
- noughty
- nould
- noumeaite
- noumeite
- noumena
- noumenal
- noumenalism
- noumenalist
- noumenon
- noun
- nounal
- nounally
- noun equivalent
- noun of multitude
- noun phrase
- noup
- nourice
- nourish
- nourishable
- nourished
- nourisher
- nourishes
- nourishing
- nourishment
- nouriture
- nous
- nous avons changé tout cela
- nous verrons ce que nous verrons
- nout
- nouther
- nouveau
- nouveau riche
- nouveaux riches
- nouvelle
- nouvelle cuisine
- nouvelle vague
- Nov
- nova
- novachord
- novaculite
- novae
- novalia
- novalike
- Novanglian
- Novanglican
- novarsenobenzene
- novarsenobenzol
- novas
- novate
- Novatian
- Novatianism
- Novatianist
- novation
- novator
- novel
- novel assignment
- novel disseizin
- novelese
- novelesque
- novelette
- novelettish
- novelettist
- novelish
- novelism
- novelist
- novelistic
- novelistically
- novelization
- novelize
- novelized
- novelizing
- novella
- novellas
- novelle
- novelly
- novel news
- novel paper
- novelties
- novelty
- novelty siding
- November
- novemdecillion
- novena
- novenary
- novercal
- Novgorodian
- Novgorodians
- novice
- noviceship
- novillada
- novillero
- novillo
- novitiate
- novity
- novo-
- novobiocin
- Novocain
- novocaine
- novodamus
- novus homo
- novus ordo seclorum
- now
- now, now
- NOW account
- nowadays
- now and again
- now and then
- nowanights
- noway
- no way
- noways
- nowed
- nowel
- nowell
- nowhere
- nowhere near
- nowheres
- nowheresville
- nowhere to be found
- no whit
- nowhither
- no-win
- nowise
- nown
- nowness
- no wonder
- no worries
- nows and nans
- nowt
- nowther
- nowy
- now you're talking
- noxae deditio
- noxal
- noxal action
- noxal surrender
- noxious
- noxiously
- noxiousness
- noyade
- noyance
- noyau
- noyaux
- Nozi
- Nozis
- nozzle
- nozzleman
- nozzlemen
- NOx
- NOx
- np
- Np
- NP
- N paper
- NPCs