Words That Start With T (page 53)
Browse the Dictionary
- trimming machine
- trimming tab
- trimming tank
- trimness
- trimodal
- trimodality
- trimoda necessitas
- trim one's sails
- trimonthly
- trimorph
- trimorphic
- trimotor
- trims down
- trim size
- trimstone
- trim tab
- Trimurti
- trimyristin
- trin
- Trinacrian
- trinal
- trinary
- trinate
- trincomalee wood
- trincomali wood
- trindle
- trine
- trine immersion
- trineural fasciculus
- T ring
- Tringa
- tringine
- tringle
- tringoid
- Trinidad asphalt
- Trinidad pitch
- Trinil man
- trinitarian
- Trinitarian
- Trinitarianism
- trinitr-
- trinitramine
- trinitride
- trinitro
- trinitro-
- trinitrobenzene
- trinitrocresol
- trinitrophenylmethylnitramine
- trinitrotoluene
- trinitrotoluol
- trinitroxylene
- Trinity
- trinity column
- trinity lily
- trinity mixture
- Trinity sitting
- Trinity Sunday
- Trinity term
- Trinitytide
- trinket
- trinketry
- trinkle
- trinklied
- trinklieder
- trinkums
- trinkum-trankums
- trinocular
- trinodal
- trinoda necessitas
- trinodine
- trinomen
- trinomial
- trinomialism
- trinomialist
- trinomially
- trins
- trinuclear
- trinucleotide
- Trinucleus
- trio
- triobol
- triobolon
- triobolons
- triobols
- trioctahedral
- triode
- triodia
- triodion
- Triodon
- triodontoid
- Triodontophorus
- trioecious
- trioeciously
- triol
- triole
- triolefin
- triolet
- triology
- trional
- -trione
- trionychid
- Trionychidae
- trionychoid
- Trionyx
- Triopidae
- Triops
- trior
- trios
- triose
- trio sonata
- Triosteum
- trioxan
- trioxane
- trioxide
- trioxy-
- trioxymethylene
- trip
- tripack
- tripart
- tripartism
- tripartite
- tripartition
- tripartitism
- tripaschal
- trip coil
- tripe
- tripe-de-roche
- tripehound
- trip engine
- tripersonal
- tripersonality
- tripery
- tripe stone
- tripetaloid
- tripetalous
- trip-free
- trip gear
- trip-hammer
- triphane
- triphase
- triphenol
- triphenyl
- triphenyl-
- triphenylamine
- triphenylcarbinol
- triphenylene
- triphenylformazan
- triphenylmethane
- triphenylmethyl
- triphenyl phosphate
- triphenyltetrazolium chloride
- triphibian
- triphibious
- trip hook
- trip-hop
- Triphora
- triphosphate
- triphosphopyridine nucleotide
- triphosphoric acid
- triphthong
- triphthongal
- triphyline
- triphylite
- tripinnate
- tripinnately
- tripinnatifid
- tripinnatisect
- tripl
- tripl-
- triplane
- Triplaris
- triple
- triple-A
- triple-A battery
- triple-awned grass
- triple-awn grass
- tripleback
- triple block
- triple bogey
- triple-bogey
- triple bond
- triple counterpoint
- Triple Crown
- tripled
- triple-decker
- triple-double
- triple E
- Triple E
- triple-expansion engine
- triple first
- triple fugue
- triple fusion
- triple-header
- triple jump
- triple jumper
- triple-nerved
- triple play
- triple point
- tripler
- triple-rivet
- triple root
- triple salt
- triple scalar product
- triple screw
- triple sec
- triple sheer
- triple-space
- triple-spaced
- triple-spaces
- triple-spacing
- triple star
- triplet
- tripletail
- triple-team
- triple-teamed
- triple-teaming
- triple-teams
- triple thread
- triple threat
- triple-threat
- triple-throw switch
- triplet lily
- triple-tongue
- triple-tongued
- triple-tongues
- triple-tonguing
- triple tree
- triplets
- triple valve
- triplex
- triplex process
- triplicate
- triplicated
- triplicating
- triplication
- triplicities
- triplicity
- trip line
- tripling
- triplite
- triplo-
- triploblastic
- triploblastica
- triplocaulescent
- Triplochiton
- triploid
- triploidite
- triploidy
- triplum
- triply
- tripod
- tripodal
- tripodic walk
- tripod puller
- tripod table
- tripody
- tripointed
- tripolar
- tripoli
- tripolite
- tripolyphosphate
- tripos
- trippant
- tripped
- tripped up
- tripper
- trippery
- trippet
- tripping
- tripping bracket
- tripping coil
- tripping line
- trippingly
- tripping relay
- tripping up
- trippkeite
- tripple
- trippy
- tripsacoid
- Tripsacum
- trip scale
- tripsill
- trips up
- tript
- triptan
- triptane
- tripteral
- trip the light fantastic
- trip-toe
- tripton
- triptote
- triptych
- triptyque
- tripuhyite
- trip up
- trip wire
- Tripylaea
- tripylaean
- Tripylaria
- tripylarian