Words That Start With T (page 61)
Browse the Dictionary
- Turkism
- turkize
- turkle
- Turkman
- Turkmen
- Turkmens
- Turko-
- Turkoman
- Turkoman carpet
- Turkoman rug
- Turkomans
- Turko-Tatar
- Turk's cap
- Turk's-cap lily
- Turk's-cap moss
- Türk's cell
- Turk's head
- Turk's-turban
- Turk's-turbans
- turle knot
- turlough
- turmaline
- turmeric
- turmeric paper
- turmeric root
- turmeric yellow
- turmit
- turmoil
- turmoiler
- turmut
- turn
- turnable
- turn a blind eye
- turnabout
- turnabout is fair play
- turn a deaf ear
- turn against
- turn a hair
- turn a hand
- turn and bank indicator
- turn around
- turnaround
- turn around and (do something)
- turn away
- turn back
- turn back the clock
- turn bench
- turn bolt
- turn bridge
- turnbuckle
- Turnbull's blue
- turn button
- turncap
- turncoat
- turncock
- turn color
- turndown
- turn down
- turndun
- turned
- turned against
- turned around
- turned away
- turned back
- turned down
- turned in
- turned off
- turned on
- turned-on
- turned out
- turned over
- turned over to
- turned round
- turned shoe
- turned to
- turned trump
- turned up
- turnel
- turner
- Turnera
- Turneraceae
- turneraceous
- Turneresque
- turner harp
- turner hood
- turneries
- Turner's syndrome
- turner's yellow
- Turner's yellow
- turnery
- turn-furrow
- turngate
- turnhall
- turnhalle
- turn heads
- Turnices
- Turnicidae
- turnicine
- Turnicomorphae
- turn in
- turn-in
- turn indicator
- turning
- turning against
- turning around
- turning away
- turning back
- turning bar
- turning basin
- turning bridge
- turning chisel
- turning down
- turning engine
- turning gouge
- turning in
- turning movement
- turning off
- turning on
- turning out
- turning over
- turning over to
- turning plow
- turning point
- turning rest
- turning round
- turnings
- turning saw
- turning sickness
- turning spur
- turning square
- turning to
- turning up
- turnip
- turnip aphid
- turnip bean
- turnip beetle
- turnip cabbage
- turnip celery
- turnip flea
- turnip flea beetle
- turnip fly
- turnip foot
- turnip ghost
- turnip grass
- turnip greens
- turnip jack
- turnip leaf miner
- turnip louse
- turnip maggot
- turnip radish
- turnip-rooted
- turnip-rooted celery
- turnip-rooted chervil
- turnip-rooted parsley
- turnip-rooted radish
- turnip sawfly
- turnip shell
- turnip tops
- turnipweed
- turnipwood
- turnipy
- turnix
- turnkey
- turn-key job
- turnkeys
- turn king's evidence
- turn loose
- turn meter
- turn of a hair
- turn of events
- turnoff
- turn off
- turn of mind
- turn of phrase
- turn of speed
- turn of the bilge
- turn of the market
- turn of the scale
- turn on
- turn-on
- turn one's back
- turn one's back on
- turn one's hand
- turn one's hand to
- turn one's head
- turn one's mind to
- turn one's nose up
- turn one's stomach
- turn on the waterworks
- turnout
- turn out
- turn out like (someone or something)
- turn out to be (something)
- turn over
- turnover
- turn over a new leaf
- turnover frequency
- turnover hinge
- turnover tax
- turn over to
- turnpike
- turnpike geranium
- turnpike man
- turnpiker
- turnpin
- turnplate
- turnplow
- turn pro
- turn Queen's evidence
- turn ratio
- turn round
- turn round and (do something)
- turnrow
- turns
- turns against
- turns around
- turns away
- turns back
- turnscrew
- turns down
- turnsheet
- turn shoe
- turn signal
- turns in
- turns off
- turnsole
- turn (someone) on to (something)
- turn someone's stomach
- turn (something) inside out
- turn (something) over in one's mind
- turn (something) to (good) account
- turn (something) upside down
- turns on
- turns out
- turns over
- turns over to
- turnspit
- turns ratio
- turns round
- turn state's evidence
- turnstile
- turns to
- turnstone
- turns up
- turntable
- turntable ladder
- turntabling
- turntablism
- turntablist
- turntablists
- turn tail
- turn the corner
- turn the other cheek
- turn the tables
- turn the trencher
- turn the trick
- turn to
- turn traitor
- turn-tree
- turn tricks
- turn turtle
- turn under
- turn-under
- turn up
- turnup
- turn up one's nose
- turn upon (something)
- turnverein
- turnwrest
- turnwrist
- Turonian
- turophile
- turpentine
- turpentine beetle
- turpentine borer
- turpentined
- turpentine moth
- turpentine orchard
- turpentine pine
- turpentiner
- turpentine substitute
- turpentine tree
- turpentine weed
- turpentinic
- turpentining
- turpentinous
- turpentiny
- turpeth
- turpeth mineral
- turpis contractus
- turpitude
- turps
- turquois
- turquoise
- turquoiseberry
- turquoise blue
- turquoise green
- turret
- turret angle-rack tool
- turret captain