Words That Start With A (page 9)
Browse the Dictionary
- across
- across country
- across from
- across the board
- across-the-board
- across the pond
- across the street
- across the way
- acrost
- acrostatic
- acrosternite
- acrostic
- acrostical
- acrostically
- acrostichal
- Acrostichum
- acrotarsia
- acrotarsial
- acrotarsium
- acroter
- acrotergite
- acroteria
- acroterial
- acroterion
- acroterium
- acroters
- Acrothoracica
- Acrotreta
- acrotrophic
- a crying need
- a crying shame
- acrylamide
- acrylate
- acrylic
- acrylic acid
- acrylic fiber
- acrylic resin
- acrylonitrile
- acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
- acryloyl
- acrylyl
- act
- acta
- actability
- actable
- act accordingly
- Actaeon
- acta est fabula, plaudite
- act curtain
- act drop
- act dumb
- acted
- acted on/upon
- acted out
- acted up
- acte gratuit
- acter
- acters
- actg
- Actias
- Acti-dione
- actification
- actifier
- actify
- actin
- actin-
- actinal
- -actinal
- actinally
- Actinaria
- actinautographic
- actinautography
- actine
- -actine
- acting
- acting area
- acting on/upon
- acting out
- acting up
- actini-
- actinia
- actiniae
- actinian
- Actiniaria
- actinias
- actinic
- actinically
- actinic focus
- actinic glass
- actinide
- actinide series
- Actinidia
- Actinidiaceae
- actinidin
- actinidins
- actiniferous
- actiniform
- actinine
- actinio-
- actiniochrome
- actiniohematin
- Actiniomorpha
- Actinistia
- actinium
- actinium emanation
- actinium series
- Actinizoa
- actinizoan
- actino-
- actinobacillary
- actinobacillotic
- actinobranch
- actinobranchia
- actinocrinite
- Actinocrinus
- actinodrome
- actinodromous
- actinoelectric
- actinoid
- Actinoida
- Actinoidea
- actinoids
- actinolite
- actinologous
- actinologue
- actinomere
- actinomeric
- actinometer
- actinometric
- actinometry
- actinomorphic
- actinomorphy
- actinomyces
- actinomycete
- actinomycin
- actinomycosis
- actinomycotic
- Actinomyxida
- Actinomyxidia
- actinomyxidian
- Actinomyxidiida
- Actinonema
- actinophore
- actinophorous
- actinophryan
- actinophrys
- actinopod
- Actinopoda
- actinopodian
- actinopteran
- Actinopteri
- actinopterygian
- Actinopterygii
- actinopterygious
- actinosoma
- actinosome
- Actinosphaerium
- actinost
- actinostele
- actinostomal
- actinostome
- actinotrich
- actinotrichia
- actinotrichium
- actinotrichs
- actinotrocha
- actinotrochae
- actinouranium
- Actinozoa
- actinozoal
- actinozoan
- actinozoon
- actinula
- actinulae
- actinulas
- actio
- actio ad distans
- actio bonae fidei
- actio in distans
- action
- actionability
- actionable
- actionably
- action-adventure
- actional
- action current
- actioner
- actiones
- actiones bonae fidei
- actiones stricti juris
- action figure
- actioning
- actionist
- actionless
- action level
- action noun
- action-packed
- action painter
- action painting
- action potential
- action replay
- action-research
- actions
- action sermon
- action spectrum
- action tank
- action time
- action verb
- actio stricti juris
- Actipylaea
- Actipylaria
- Actipylea
- activable
- activate
- activated
- activated alumina
- activated carbon
- activated sludge process
- activating
- activation
- activation analysis
- activation energy
- activator
- active
- active amyl alcohol
- active bond
- active carbon
- active component
- active door
- active duty
- active immunity
- active list
- actively
- active mass
- active-matrix
- activeness
- active neutrality
- active optics
- actives
- active serum
- active service
- active shooter
- active shooters
- active site
- active suspension
- active transport
- active vocabulary
- activewear
- activism
- activist
- activistic
- activists
- activities
- activity
- activity cage
- activity coefficient
- activity group psychotherapy
- activity group therapy
- activize
- act of adjournal
- act of bankruptcy
- act of faith
- act of God
- act of grace
- act of honor
- act of indemnity
- act of insolvency
- act of law
- act of sederunt
- actomyosin
- act one's age
- act on/upon
- actor
- actorish
- actorly
- actor-proof
- actory
- act out
- act/play the fool
- act psychology
- actress
- actressy
- acts
- Acts
- acts of adjournal
- acts on/upon
- acts out
- acts up
- act the part
- act tune
- actual
- actual cash value
- actual cost
- actual horizon
- actualism
- actualist
- actualistic