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Commonly Confused

Further vs. Farther

They started as the same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.

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play further vs farther video
Further vs. Farther


They started as same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.

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Alright vs. All Right


Is 'alright' all right?

play video old school grammar humorsome
Old-School Grammar


Many of today's grammar rules can be traced to the opinions of one 18th century writer.

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'Mispronunciations' That May Be Fine


'Mischievous,' 'nuclear,' and other words to pronounce with caution.

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How Do You Pronounce 'Groceries'?


Is there one standard way?

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When Body Parts Are Also Verbs


Head, shoulders, metaphors, and toes

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Video: Why Is There a 'C' in 'Indict'?


And who put it there, anyway?